Date / Place I

23 March 2022 ZUM ECK, Basel

Date / Place II

23 March 2022 ZUM ECK, Basel




Tandem IV


Christophe Schiess (*1974) “Tandem IV” (2022, WP)


Christophe Schiess
Toshiko Sakakibara

Program description

Tandem IV – open presentation of new sounds on the clarinet and how they affect listeners and participants

Participation of the audience with the reading of texts about the weather phenomenon “Sahara dust over Switzerland”.

The call for proposals “work-in-progress” of Pro Helvetia 2021 generated the idea for our new series “Tandem – Musician vs. Composer – ”on a glass with the Ensemble Phoenix Basel”.

A challenge  in the midst of a worldwide pandemic was to find the smallest artistic and musical unity. Playing or improvising alone was out of question for us. The musician on his/her own was not an image we wanted to favor. Our aim was to provide a counterpart with whom one could enter into an exchange, be stimulated and initiate a process of reflection and creation. On our Tandem bike we also wanted to place a composer. These duos were first selected and then informed about the open process by Christoph Bösch and Lucas Rößner. Before the performance in Basel, the musicians* and composers* were meant to meet 3 to 4 times within a month to discuss and plan what was to be done in the two sets of the respective presentation evening.

The task of showing a process or even an unfinished piece presented the respective tandems with a challenge of special kind. To show an open process publicly, maybe even to present a failure in public, is and remains probably unusual. Each tandem pair solved this task in their own way.